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- Poetry of Life
Poetry of Life
From the Author:
I was inspired to write this book, Poetry of Life, because I looked back at my life and sawall the things that the Lord has brought me through. I realized that I could have helpedsomeone to overcome what they were going through with the help of the Lord. Inaddition, the Lord gave me words that rhyme with meaningful thoughts of real lifeexperiences. All of God’s creations have significance and a reason to accomplish thejourney that is set before them. We are all given a purpose in life, and mine is to write tobring light into people’s lives in order to encourage them so that they are created to riseabove their situations. Moreover, there is no better way than to write down your thoughtsabout your knowledge and skills that will give insight to others to show they can do allthings through Christ who strengthens them. This is ultimately God’s world in which Hegave to us on earth to use, prosper, and to be in health. That is why I wrote Poetry of Life.